Bulk Postmeta Editor

About the Bulk Postmeta Editor

This easy-to-use plugin allows you to quickly and easily edit post meta values for almost any post type (including custom post types)

Edit post meta as plain text, in textareas, as light-weight HTML or using the full WordPress WYSIWYG editor!

From the first version, this has been designed for ease of use by site Contributors and Editors, but keeps settings reserved for Admin’s only. This gives site Adaministrators control over what less-privileged users can bulk edit.

[button link=”https://holding.psdtofinal.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/bulk-postmeta-edior.zip” type=”big”] Download Bulk Postmeta Editor[/button]
…or clone on GitHub


  1. Upload `bulk-postmeta-edior` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Navigate to Bulk Edit => Settings to set up your first edit group

Frequently Asked Questions

Does this work on custom post types?

Yes! This will work on just about any post type, including custom post types you have defined, or custom post types from other plugins.

Can I edit ACF post meta fields?

Yes! We’ve tested with Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), and it works well.

Can I use this in a commercial project?

Yes! We’re professional website builders ourselves, so go for it. If you’d like to send a credit our way, you’re welcome to; but it’s not *required*.

I have an idea to improve this plugin

Awesome, please hit us up on Twitter, Facebook, or the contact us page.




  • Initial build and release


[button link=”https://holding.psdtofinal.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/bulk-postmeta-edior.zip” type=”big”] Download Bulk Postmeta Editor[/button]
…or clone on GitHub